Baseball Sized Hail Storm

Raw: Hail shatters windshield October 23, 2011 Storm chasers captured video of a severe thunderstorm northwest of Ada, Oklahoma, that dropped baseball sized hail in some areas. Frontier Roofing [...]


Hail Storm Loveland and Fort Collins CO

Hailstorm damages hundreds of homes, vehicles in Loveland and Fort Collins By Madeline Novey Reporter-Herald Staff Writer Posted: 07/14/2011 03:50:27 PM MDT After the hail stopped pounding down [...]


Lakewood Colorado Hail Storm Roofers

Severe hail storm hits Lakewood Colorado on July 13, 2011. Did you experience hail damage to your roof or siding? If you think you may have experienced hail damage, call Frontier Roofing and [...]